The Six of Fire is such a perfect card to draw right now as my family is all about celebrations this month. I graduated two weeks ago and Sean's graduation is this weekend. Although we won't be in Phoenix like we planned, we will be celebrating as we're going to get a cake and pizza today and we'll be having a watch party to watch his celebration on Monday.
One of the really interesting things to me about the situation is that Cam who insisted when wanted no celebration, didn't want to walk down the aisle, etc. is now feeling left out because we didn't go out to eat, we didn't decorate, etc. She made it sound as if she just wanted it really low key and that's what we did. We had dinner in last year when she got her MA and we were very proud of her, but she was adamant about not celebrating. However, now that she sees our celebrations I think she is a little wistful that she wasn't feted. However, the good thing about celebrations is that it is never too late and we will have a celebration for her in a few weeks and remind her of all the ways that we are proud of her. She is an amazing person and the fact that she graduated after all the challenges that were put in her way is amazing. She deserves to be celebrated and we will celebrate her.
This card is also a reminder that we are a communal species and it is important to celebrate as a community and to fete one's accomplishments. However, the flip side of it is that we also have to be willing to step up and boast about our own accomplishments. Sometimes we are too humble and we downplay our own accomplishments because we don't want to put anyone out or we don't want anyone to fuss over us. That's not me, I like to have people fuss over me and I believe that my accomplishments are worth celebrating!
The counterpoint to the celebratory nature of the nasturtiums the Six of Fire is the Cleansing Waters card from the Sacred Traveler Oracle. While the fiery nasturiums are all about passion, celebration, and community, the Cleansing Waters is more about austerity and letting go of things that no longer serve us. This card is about not only clearing the clutter from our physical homes and bodies, but also about getting rid of the emotional garbage. One piece that I'm working on right now is letting go of my anger and resentment over John. Even though I know that I came out ahead and that my life is so much better, there is a part of me that wants to grind him under my heel and continue to make him pay. That doesn't really serve me well and it is something I'm realizing that I'm going to be working on for quite a while. However, I also know that the very fact that I recognize it is a problem is a good thing. I just have to continue putting one foot in front of the other and working through it.
All in all, these were pretty amazing cards.
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