Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Tarot Blog Hop: Short and Sweet

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The assignment I chose to accept for the 41st Tarot Blog Hop was to write a short form interpretation of the cards.  I have to be honest and say that this is difficult for me because I love to think about, interpret, and write pages about a tarot spread.  however, I'm up for a challenge so I pulled out my tarot deck and gave it a go. 

Imbolc is a time of new beginnings, a time of planting seeds, and a time of tying clootie cloths to the bare branches of trees to ask for blessings and gifts.  It is also a time of germination as even though it seems the snow will never go away, the earliest spring plants will be blooming soon.  In the spirit of Imbolc, I decided to think about my heart's desire. 

What is my heart's desire?
Surrounded by luxury

And all that I need

My heart’s desire

is the freedom to live how I want


Where do I find my heart's desire?

Ritual and celebration are the flavoring of life

Your freedom will be found in loving those you hold dear


How will I know when I've found it?

Look deep in your soul as the answer is there

Truth to yourself is the greatest reward


I have to admit that I was reluctant to try this as I usually write pages and pages to interpret readings, but what I liked about this was it really forced me to think about the cards and got me to the essence of what I needed to know more quickly than my pages and pages of writing did.  Now we shall see what happens.

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  1. Hi Raine! Nice to hear your voice again! That's interesting what you said about the short form got you to the essence more quickly. I love that deck! Someday I'll get a copy. :-)

    1. Hi Joy,
      It is nice to be back. I missed doing hops, but life got insane. The deck is amazing. I thought I wouldn't like it because it is fairy tales from around the world so I thought it would be disjointed, but it isn't.

  2. I think it's more often thanesting exercise when you push back against your reluctance rather than go with your natural tendencies.

  3. *more often than not, an interesting exercise.
    Merc Rx seems to have short formed my sentence!

    1. Hi Karen,
      No worries. It is an interesting exercise to force myself to try something new and I think that is a great way to learn and really get in touch with my feelings and intuition.


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